Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Photo compositon

leading lines 

a line that leads you visually to an object or that leads  into  the distance creating  depth .


points of interest not centered but positioned on one of the intersection  points of the grid.

informal balance 

is equal or symmetrical balance . each side of the vertical center of the  the photograph has equal weight and similar or exactly the same shape and texture and value contrast.


objects repeating in a picture creating a feeling of depth or emphasis.

center of interest 

or focal point when you look at an image your eye will generally need a resting place  or something  of interest to really hold it . without it you`ll find people will simply glance at your shots and then move on to the next one .

depth and grouping 


positioning people and objects in layers will create the illusion of depth


shooting from an unusual angle for example a worms eye or a birds eye view 





it should not detract from the subject .good background are usually simple not having confusing lines or focus areas


selective focus 

items in the foreground are in focus while the background is blurry or the opposite


refers to the removal of the outer parts of an image to improve framing accentuate subject matter or change aspect ratio 


is the term used to describe the number of dots or pixels used to display an image . higher resolution mean that more pixels are used to create the image resulting in a crisper cleaner image

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